Buttons Packed Away!
Here are the
photos that I promised
photos that I promised
to show you of the
buttons that were being
stored in a vintage cane
sewing basket. This will be my
last post for about two months.
Some of you may know that I am
moving house and with that all
of my vintage sewing is just about
packed away ready for the big move.
These photos show a mixed lot of
buttons on cards and when we
have moved I can then photo them
in more detail.
There is a mix of old and modern buttons.

I hope you enjoy the photos!
buttons that were being
stored in a vintage cane
sewing basket. This will be my
last post for about two months.
Some of you may know that I am
moving house and with that all
of my vintage sewing is just about
packed away ready for the big move.
These photos show a mixed lot of
buttons on cards and when we
have moved I can then photo them
in more detail.
There is a mix of old and modern buttons.

good luck with the moving x
I am so impressed by your profile and artwork.
I 've got lots of old buttons like these now I know what to do with them.