
Showing posts from April, 2008

Button bouquets

My blogging friend Sue recently posted about some button bouquets she made with her daughters and friends. She pointed the way to a tutorial at WhiMSy love . They look like fun!

Flower and button cards

I thought I'd post pictures of some cards I made on the weekend. They don't use a lot of buttons, but the buttons are the center of attention! I posted a bit about them on my blog .

HandCrafted WOODEN Buttons...Backyard Beauties

Here are three HANDCRAFTED (from tree limbs in my yard) wooden buttons..made by my most awesome hubby!...Arent they just beeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-a-u-tiful???...One of my customers in Canada had ordered a couple of sets of these for some knitting projects....and I asked my DH if he could make some extras for my ETSY shop VOILA!...I LOVE how they are so natural .....and mother-of-pearl. I am sooooooooooo excited I found BUTTON FLOOZIES, and have been accepted into the blog group.....I have always loved buttons...I am sure everyone else can relate to the wonderful feeling of running your fingers thru a big bowl of YUMMY buttons....very relaxing!!....The hardest thing for me to do is actually USE my button stash.....I have my faves that I love to look at....but, I am trying to incorporate some into my scrapbook pages, cards and altered pieces.(its so hard to LET GO!!) Please visit my other blog StudioBeeCreations and my ETSY shop .....for more creations from The

Wearing Buttons

I was going through my clothes this morning -- a pile for charity, a pile for winter (to be put AWAY!!) and a pile for summer as I prepare for my trip to California in a few weeks...and found this shell..which I'd forgotten I have!! How cool is that?!?

Thanks, Abbie for the Invitation

Thank you so much, Abbie, for inviting me to be part of Button Floozies. I love buttons...button bouquets, button icicles, button "whimsies," ....all things with buttons. I am sharing my button butterfly whimsy on this post. Looking forward to sharing and lots of fun! ~~~~~Marilyn

Lovely Button Creations by Minski

Oooohhh ... aren't these just dee - lish ?? Minski was found on Etsy . Otherwise known as Minna, she creates fabulous button necklaces and brooches. Below is a 'cute as a button necklace in Definitely Pink '. Oh, I just adore the pink!! Such a bright wonderful splash for the upcoming summer.. can't you see this on a model wearing a fabulous pink polka dot bikini? Not liking pink so much? (or the thought of bikinis..) Try this little number on.. 'Water Baby' is a little more 'down to earth'. How about a little Italian Summer Time Brooch? Minna says "The colors remind me of the beautiful buildings and oh-so-blue sea and sky in Cinque Terre , Italy, and how hot it was when I was there." Some wonderful colors and a brilliant use of buttons to get your summer juices flowing! Please check out Minna's Etsy shop and peek around, she also has some cute handbags and lovely pin sets.. Have a fabulous weekend!! xoxo ~

Some Of My Buttons By RhondaMum...

Hello to all of my fellow lovers of buttons. I am so happy to be a part of this group and a big thanks to Abbie for bringing us all together. Below is a slide show of some of my recent finds. I love to think of all of the stories one button could "tell". I just did a post about some other buttons I came across on my blog and will soon be adding some closer pics of some of my finds that have struck my curiosity. I had a good giggle when Abbie invited me to the group. I knew I loved buttons, but didn't realize how many hundreds I had until I was gathering them together for photos. I would love to learn how to make button flowers as well as button icicles. I am sure many of you have read Abbie's blog about just that. She does a phenomenal job. And like her icicles, mother of pearl buttons are my favorite. I would love to have a claw foot tub full to just lay in and read my current Somerset Magazine. Know what I mean? I know I saw some pi

More Pretty Buttons!!

Thank you all for your warm welcome and sweet comments! I just love this blog!! I had to share these buttons I found yesterday. I saw them for the first time at Wal-Mart a couple of months ago and then when I was there yeterday, I saw them again - only this time, they were all on clearance. I couldn't resist!! I have to think of something fun to do with them. Any suggestions? Have a wonderful evening everyone! xo, Erin

My Yellow Contribution and a Fun Button Project

Good Morning! Here are my yellows - I don't seem to have many either! That's just going to entice me to be on the hunt for yellows now! Remember the frame project that I promised to post? Well, here it is. Fun to do and quick too! First, you want to find a cheap frame to work with. I found this one at the dollar store. Then, go through your button stash and sort the ones you'd like to use. I used all white buttons but you can use whatever you like. Next, you'll want to paint your frame to coordinate with the button color you choose. I just used a can of spray paint from Wal-Mart. Then, get out that glue gun and start gluin'!! Voila!! A cute little button frame. I used a page from an old book to mount my picture on, slipped it into the frame and there you have it - instant cuteness!! Have fun!! xo, Erin

My little bit of yellow

I don't have many yellow buttons either--the only color I have fewer of is green--but I do have a butterfly! And a few turtles! It's a dreary day here, so even this little bit of yellow brightens things up.

Button Bracelets at Uncommon Ephemera

My friend Constance at Rochambeau left me a comment here, thinking I would like this post at Uncommon Ephemera -- you must check this out! It's incredible! Thanks were right to think of me -- glad I went to have a look!

A wee bit of sunshine!

We are still buried here in snow here in NH so I'd love to see what every one has for yellow buttons! Yellows and gold buttons are like tiny bits of sunlight, and we can use all the sunshine we can get! Have a fabulous Monday! xoxo~ Abbie


Good Morning and Happy Sunday!! I'm so happy to have become a Button Floozie - okay, I'm out of the button closet - LOL!! My name is Erin and I love to collect buttons. Some of my favorites are the very pale pink ones and the pretty white ones. I really love the clear faceted buttons too and the way they catch the sunlight. Ooohh, and I love the buttons with pretty painted roses and flowers on them. Okay, okay, so I love them all. I can't help it! I like to use some of them in craft projects and I also like to put them in pretty dishes around the house. I have a cute little frame that I embellished with buttons just recently. I'll put the how-to directions on another post in a day or two! Thanks for having me on board! xo, Erin

Button Floozies

Button Floozies Hurray it worked!!!!!!!!

Button Bonus!

I had a chance to go to the Beach area of Toronto this afternoon -- it's a beautiful sunny day, the first "real" day of spring weather we've had..and I couldn't believe the number of people out without coats and young people in shorts!! I mean, it was only 52 degrees folks, and it's chilly with the wind from the lake!! But compared to what we've been having, it's practically tropical!! Anyway, at my favourite scrapbooking store, I bought some beautiful papers and I found this box by Making Memories, called "5th Avenue Blossoms and Buttons" and I just ♥ the buttons -- the floral blossoms are fine, but it's the sizes, shapes and colours of the buttons I love...I can't wait to use these for something!! Sorry the picture is a bit blurry (I was trying to eliminate the "shine") -- but you get the idea (and this is only some of the 100 buttons in the box!)

Linkie Buttons

Hi Fellow Floozies! ;) I have been working on a small link buttons.. they are posted here so you may grab it and put it on your blog/site if you wish. I am in the process of trying to figure out how to embed the html code on our blog sidebar so you can copy and paste the code, allowing for the image to link back here. I have some great resources for HTML code on the web, but if anyone has any ideas let me know. Also, if you would like to add pics to the sidebar, text or links, please let me now! I'd be glad to add whatever you would like.. This is OUR site, not just mine! Have a fabulous day! xoxo~ Abbie (***Attention all closet floozies !! If you would like the buttons grab 'em and post 'em!***)

Hello, fellow floozies

And thanks, Abbie, for inviting me to join in. I’ve always been one to collect and sort things (I use to arrange my M&Ms into rows by color before I ate them) but I became fascinated with buttons when I was about 8 or 9, after reading a book in which the main character had a button box. I began keeping an eye out for wayward buttons and started a button collection of my own. My collection now is not a fancy one. It’s made up of buttons I’ve inherited from my grandmother and great-aunt, extras that come with sweaters and shirts, leftovers from projects, ones bought for no particular reason, and those found here and there. My favorite buttons right now are these: Recently my two children and I were in an art store and found big tubs of buttons hand carved in Nepal. I offered to buy one for each of us. My son chose the black and white one, my daughter chose the one that has a flower or leaves on it, and I chose the one with the dots because the sun had finally come out after many gloo
Who would have thought that a simple button would be the inspiration for another blog! It seems we all love buttons and have a stash somewhere that we keep for a rainy day. And if buttons are for rainy days here is my rainbow. These are my grandmothers buttons, the ones I "inherited" when she passed. Just like grandma, there is nothing fancy or glam about them, they are just simple little buttons gathered and collected with care, used to embellish the clothes that she sewed for all of us ganddaughters out of bright feedsacks. Funny how the love of buttons seems to go way back to our grandmothers and even great grandmothers time! There must be something about buttons that just appeals to women of every time! I look forward to seeing what kinds of fun things everyone on this blog comes up with for using their buttons. Here is a picture that I clipped from a magazine years ago. Talk about inspiration! Can you imagine this womans stash if she can use her buttons so lavishly? I

Welcome images...

I'm so excited!! We have more floozies coming! Yeay ! I can't wait to hear their button stories and see any photos they have. Also, if you could keep in the back of your mind button crafts, perhaps different ways you utilize your stash.. I just wanted to give a peek at few different ways I have burned through my supply. It is always fun to use up what I have, that way I have no excuse to pass up the ever elusive button jar or tin! Above are button icicles.. I'll show you how to make those later.. it is super easy!! Buttons are always a necessary addition to a crafty gift! They look 'oh so glam' when tossed into the mix of paper blooms with a little bit of bling .. The image above and below are courtesy of MarthaStewart .com.. they are just lovely embellishing ribbons.. Thank you for those who have joined, and for all of those 'closet floozies', it is OK. We'll be here waiting when you are ready to come on out!

Confessions of a Button Floozie

I love the fact that Abbie decided to create this place. It gives us a chance to connect and to share our loves, our addictions (!), our treasures and our thoughts. I am a button floozie. From way back. Like many others, I started in childhood. It seemed innocent enough but you know how it is -- once you've had one button, you can never have enough!! On a more serious note, my start came from my mother. I didn't know either of my grandmothers, both had died the same year, three years before I was born. I had a step-grandmother who sewed and she was a "saver" so I suppose Auntie Doris (as we called her, though she certainly was not an aunt!!) had buttons in her home but I don't recall seeing them. My mother kept her buttons in an old mayonnaise jar and on a rainy day (like today), my sister and I would play with the buttons. We'd count them, sort them, play little games with them. And you always knew that if you needed a replacement, there was a button in the b


Hi!  My name is Rosie.....and, I am a Button Floozy! And furthermore, I come from a long line of Button Floozies....... Some of my earliest memories revolve around my Mother's sewing room. I would sit with her for hours while she would sew. One of my favorite things to do was to look through her button boxes. She used old cigar boxes.   She would allow me to pick any buttons I wanted to practice sewing with. Sometimes I just sewed them onto plain muslin....othertimes I was allowed to put them on a favorite blouse in the shape of a flower.   One day, I will pass this tradition along to my grandchildren and they will, too, become Button Floozies!  And, so, it will go.........on into history....... Love to all you "closet" Button Floozies.  :-)  Rosie