Welcome images...

I'm so excited!! We have more floozies coming! Yeay! I can't wait to hear their button stories and see any photos they have. Also, if you could keep in the back of your mind button crafts, perhaps different ways you utilize your stash.. I just wanted to give a peek at few different ways I have burned through my supply. It is always fun to use up what I have, that way I have no excuse to pass up the ever elusive button jar or tin! Above are button icicles.. I'll show you how to make those later.. it is super easy!!
The image above and below are courtesy of MarthaStewart.com.. they are just lovely embellishing ribbons..

Thank you for those who have joined, and for all of those 'closet floozies', it is OK. We'll be here waiting when you are ready to come on out!
I still have to find a photo from a magazine i tore out - where is it when you need it !!