And furthermore, I come from a long line of Button Floozies.......
Some of my earliest memories revolve around my Mother's sewing room. I would sit with her for hours while she would sew. One of my favorite things to do was to look through her button boxes. She used old cigar boxes.
She would allow me to pick any buttons I wanted to practice sewing with. Sometimes I just sewed them onto plain muslin....othertimes I was allowed to put them on a favorite blouse in the shape of a flower.
One day, I will pass this tradition along to my grandchildren and they will, too, become Button Floozies! And, so, it will go.........on into history.......
Love to all you "closet" Button Floozies. :-) Rosie
A great childhood memory you have there ! I hope the tradition of it carries and on and on for you .