Treasure Hunting

During the Olympics, I wrote a post about sport buttons. All of the photos had a corresponding link underneath. Many led to shops where the button was for sale. One of them, however led to this British website:
which I thought some readers might enjoy.

It came up in my search at the time, so I was unfamiliar with it, but intrigued enough to explore it a bit. I appears to be a club and they search for all kinds of metal bibs and bobs, as they say in the U.K., one of which are buttons. Most of them have been identified as well, which is fascinating.

There is a long page full of ancient buttons and badges, such as these:

boars head livery button

shooting button with Latin inscription

hound head hunting button

and this one too, which I liked, but it had no ID.

 There is all sorts of other interesting material on the site, especially enjoyable for a history buff. Besides history, their headings include hunting sites (usually farms whose owners have given permission), competitions, laws, and holidays. Now, wouldn't a metal detecting holiday be fun?! 


Kathy said…
It never even occurred to me that those folks with the metal detectors would find buttons - DOH! I think ANY kind of treasure hunting holiday would be fun.

I have always thought about getting a metal detector .
however I always need a partner , well I think I do , I could walk the river bank and look for more buttons , maybe caves?

Maya Kuzman said…
Nice buttons! I especially like the last one with the skeleton keys!
Lea said…
Cool! I thought those are coins :)