2nd Annual Christmas Ornament Swap!
This post will appear at the top of the blog until October 28;
please SCROLL DOWN to see newer posts!
As promised, we're announcing a Christmas Ornament Swap.

This post will appear at the top of the blog until October 28;
please SCROLL DOWN to see newer posts!
As promised, we're announcing a Christmas Ornament Swap.

This is a group swap.
I will put you in groups of 5 this time.
We will each send and receive
We will each send and receive
4 button ornaments
(keep one of yours for yourself = 5 total)!
(keep one of yours for yourself = 5 total)!
Definition of a button ornament:
A Christmas ornament made to hang on a tree, that is decorated with buttons. The buttons do not necessarily need to be the only decoration element of the ornament -- but it should be a main or special element of the decoration. Your ornament should be handmade.
- Sign-up period: October 19-28, 2012
- Notification of swap partners: October 29, 2012
- Swaps must be in the mail by: Monday, November 19, 2012
It is a quick turnaround, I realize; please be sure you can adhere to the deadline before committing!
A NOTE ABOUT INTERNATIONAL SWAPPING: Because it is a quick turnaround, I'll be matching you up with partners on your own continent; that should cut down on postage costs for everyone and also shipping time! If you would prefer to ship internationally, please send me an email and if we have enough people who want to do it, I'll put a group together from different continents.
How it works:
- You sign up for the swap by emailing me your name, address, and blog address if you have one. Send the email to: buttonfloozies@gmail.com Please note: Even in you know I already have your email and other info -- please send me a separate email, anyway. I often have more than 30 people who participate in these swaps and so it's much easier for me to organize if I have all the info "in one place" -- I simply tag the email "SWAP" when I receive it and then filter all the swap emails when it's time to make the list. Thank you!!
- After you email me the above information, comment on this post that you have; this step is so that I can contact you if Blogger plays tricks on me with emails, as they have been known to do in the past! I just don't want anyone to miss out.
- Once you've signed up, you can begin making your 5 ornaments right away! You don't need to wait for your group to get started.
- I will randomly place people into groups of 5: on October 29 I will email you each the names and addresses of the swappers in your group. Please note: with groups this size, it's not easy for me to keep track of who has already swapped with whom...so...if you end up in a "repeat" group and you don't want to be...please email me IMMEDIATELY and I will try to switch things around without too much inconvenience.
- Take a photo of your creations, then send one of your ornaments to each of the other 4 members in your group; be sure to have them in the mail by Monday, November 19, 2012.
- Sit back and wait to receive 4 different ornaments in the mail from your partners!
- Once all the members of your group have received your swap, post your photos on the blog and/or on our Button Floozies Swap page on Flickr so we can all enjoy them!
Here are just a few examples of last year's ornaments:
'Sound like fun? I hope so! Tell all your friends! Everyone is invited to participate!
I just sent my email off to you.
I'll be starting on my ornies right away! Thanks for organizing the swap again this year.
Let the crafting begin! Denise G.
Wendy W