Tape Measure Bracelet with Buttons

I have seen and admired these tape measure bracelets for a couple of years now and finally figured out a way to make one without the toggle findings.

I used black elastic cording I had laying around and tied it in a square knot, it is hidden in the fold over of the end of the tape measure. I sewed the end and measured around my wrist, left an inch or so and cut it off. then folded and sewed down the other end. I'm sure you could glue down the ends and use a small ponytail elastic band if you wanted to.

I then went to my button stash and found 3 that went together and sewed them on and added some glue too.

Sew Simple!

Button Floozie, Deb


MomWaldsPlace said…
This is fabulous! I simply had to "pin" it as an idea for a headband. Thanks!
liszha said…
Wow!!! I love it! Thanks for sharing! It made me think of a bracelet one of my collegues wears often. It is made of a metal liner (is that what you call it in english), you draw a line with it and has centimers (or inches) on it..............
I love this idea also. Have a great weekend! Peace, Mary Helen Fernandez Stewart
donna!ee said…
how clever you are...this bracelet is wonderful! thank you much for sharing :)
Deb said…
Thanks everyone! love the headband idea, Mom Wald and Lisette might be called a ruler in the US.
Jensters said…
I wanna make one of these....so love it great idea :)
Jen xo said…
i love this idea, youre clever !
Unknown said…
This is so cool. It would even be a great strap for a watch.. of the cheaper variety. Wonderful. Ideas for presents. Thank you for sharing.