Something to Crow About

I had great fun last week painting chickens and goldfinches on my old MOP buttons... All the buttons are 1"...approx. the size of a quarter. All my roosters are artwork... rooster buttons, rooster coffee cups, rooster wood cuts, etc. Roosters are gorgeous there's no doubt about it but they are also noisy and aggressive with the hens... I do have a woodcarving of a handsome rooster hanging in the hen house as a little "eye candy" for the "girls"..I only have three hens and since no roosters I never have chicks...but lots of lovely fresh eggs..... I love to start the day collecting eggs and letting the “girls” run loose in the garden. Painting on buttons is great fun and for anyone wanting to try it I do have a detailed tutorial on my blog. I do sell them at art fairs and in my etsy shop. If there is another "button painting floozie" I'd love to hear from her. Gerry Krueger