Spring Fever
Spring fever, flower fun with buttons!!! Easy and fun to make, scap fabric and a button or two.
They sometimes are called burned flowers because you hold the edges after you cut the circle near a candle to curl the edges, different fabrics do different things! Sew buttons in the middle!
The one above was made out of an old chiffon printed scarf.
I read on another blog where she uses any leftover fabric she has.
Just be careful with the flame from the candle.

I made these into pins, but you can do so many things with them, add to a necklace, decorate something in your home, Easter baskets! Headbands!!
I read on another blog where she uses any leftover fabric she has.
Just be careful with the flame from the candle.
I made these into pins, but you can do so many things with them, add to a necklace, decorate something in your home, Easter baskets! Headbands!!
Spero che venga anche lei a farmi visita.
Se vuole diventare anche lei una mia sostenitrice, la ivito a visitare il mio blog nuovissimo, www.atuttotondi.blogspot.com.
Mi scusi ma non parlo inglese e ho usato il traduttore google.
A presto
Hello, my name is Simona and I write from Italy, his blog is very interesting and I think that sometimes come to visit her, it also became his supporter. I envy you for the beautiful places there are in America even though my Italy is wonderful. I also love the buttons and I like to use them to do creative things, for example, I made the pawns for chess utyilizzando of old buttons, here's the link on my blog
I hope that she is to visit me.
If she wants to become my own advocate, the Invite them to visit my new blog, www.atuttotondi.blogspot.com.
Excuse me but I do not speak English and I used the translator google.
You soon
I will be putting the instructions in my "to do" book for future crafting.
Thanks again.
Your little pins are the sweetest ever. And, just think of the fabric that is saved and recycled!
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" Birds of a feather flock together".
wow..the things you see and learn here in blogland.....inspirational!
thanks for sharing this!
ciao bella
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