My Favorite Buttons- Old Ceramics

I know, it's hard to decide what your FAVORITE buttons is- there are so many to love! I've got lots of buttons, but the ones I've decided to collect to keep are these china/ceramic buttons. I'm not sure of the exact age but they started making them in the 1800's and stopped somewhere around 1930. These are calicos- the small print is similiar to calico fabric. These are stencils. This group of white china buttons has a bunch of different kinds of buttons- unfortunatley I don't know the names of a lot of them. The buttons on the bottom are called Whistles. They had one hole on the top and two holes on the bottom. I'm really not sure how they were attached. The round buttons in the top group with the fluted edge are called...pie crusts- because there edge looks like the fork tined edge of a pie. So what are your FAVORITE buttons?