My Attempt at Crafty--Suggestions Please!!

Stories are my favorite thing about buttons--I always wonder who they belonged to and how they got wherever they are today. But I've ventured out on a limb and I'm trying something crafty with buttons. I've decided to combine my love of paper art, vintage buttons and reading by making vintage button bookmarks and bundling them with copies of my novel, THE BUTTON COLLECTOR. This is new for me and I'd love to hear how I can do it better. I start by writing a word in calligraphy on a page from an old grammar book. I cut it out and singe the edges so that it appears antiqued and then adhere it to steampunk cardstock. For the first ones I used double sided tape, but I am going to switch to adhesive spray in the future. I chose the word REJOICE to be a good match for the holidays. I then had the bookmark laminated at a copy shop, punched a hole in it and added a ribbon. I picked out a button from my collection--no idea if it's worth anything b...