
...the newest member of the team,

Amanda aka mandapanda, from Queensland, Australia.

I love all buttons, new and vintage, and simply cannot resist a box/jar/parcel of them.I have no idea what I'm going to do with all these little treasures!Hopefully we can all help each other out by showing off what each of us has made, sharing any ideas, as well as the odd tutorial and pattern.Here's a few of my favourites (that I could find!)


Jody Blue said…
I can see why they are your favorites -- I am suffering from button envy.
Tina Peacock said…
Beautiful favourites! Especially the floral ones, the flower shaped ones...actually, all of them!
Jerri junque said…
My heart started to go pitter patter just looking at the tub of buttons. I wanted to dig in and look at them, divide them into color groups and oh! breath,get a hold of youself, they are not mine.
I am good now.
bananaicecream said…
I love buttons too, I'm in the process of trying to organize mine.
Anonymous said…
Welcome! I especially love the heart and floral ones in the bottom picture.
xashee's corner said…
your favorites are sooooooo PRETTY! what a GREAT stash you have! :D
Leah said…
I love your favourites! I'm from Australia too!
Lois said…
Wow! Wht a great collection of buttons.
I have button envy :(
Gee, can I come over and play? lol
Jessica Rodarte said…
Oooh... What a collection!!
Erin said…
I am TOO envious!!!!!!!!! ooooooooaaaaa!
manda said…
Thanks everyone! I love my buttons too! I'll dig through them and take some more photos. I know there's some fantastic ones hiding in amongst all the colour!