Button painting and pesky holes

Someone read my button-painting tutorial and asked a question and blogger wouldn't give me her email so I couldn't answer. But she persevered and reached me through Etsy . Since the answer was going to be lengthy I thought I would post it here in case anyone is curious how I started or where I got buttons and what about those pesky holes. Her question was: "When you use putty to plug the holes on the buttons do you take the putty out when you’re done? Which is more desirable?" and "Where to buy buttons." I started painting buttons about 15 years ago and I did them to add to each round robin block as a personal touch. For a long time dear Susan Elliott kept urging me to paint and sell them... It took a while but I finally listened to her... At that time a woman sold buttons on Ebay under the name Button Glutton. She had bought a house that had an outbuilding that was packed with inventory from a turn-of-the-century-butto...