Purple Rain
Do you remember the song by Prince , Purple Rain ? well today it's raining again and I have some beautiful Purple buttons to show off. Anyway I think they are fabulous and beautiful
I don't remember where I got them however I know it was at an auction here in the town where I live now, It had to be early 1980's I am guessing.I know they were in a box with other buttons on cards and I didn't have any beautiful buttons so went for it . Back them $15.00 would have been a huge price for me to pay for a box of buttons.
They are tied on the card with cotton string. I don't know if that is original or the lady just own them did that. A lot of old buttons are attached to the card with wire.
This is my first Button Floozie post and thrilled to be in the groove with you all
thanks to Laurie Jackson for asking me to join in . I read her blog
and all her Button Floozie posts
Laurie's comment above it correct... buttons sewn/strung with string onto their original store card are older than those cards with stapled-on buttons.
Looking forward to seeing more or your buttons!
Thanks for sharing