Button Floozies 1,000 Followers Giveaway!

I'm so pleased that Button Floozies blog has reached 1,000 followers tonight! Thank you to Karla Nathan for being our 1,000th friend! To celebrate the occasion, Button Floozie Gerry Krueger has gifted us one of her beautiful hand painted buttons to give away! You can visit Gerry at her blog Older Rose , as well as at her Etsy shop ! However, if you've been reading this blog for a while, you will be familiar with Gerry's hand painted, mother of pearl buttons. This sweet button depicts a Robin sitting on a flowering branch, which Gerry has painted by hand onto a mother of pearl button! Gerry's generously shared her method in this Button Painting Tutorial on her blog . Besides pretty birds, she paints flowers, foliage, cottages, and more. Here's how you can enter to win this pretty hand painted button from Gerry: Leave a comment on this post ONLY and that is your entry! Comment on this post anytime between now and midnight MST o...