My button tree
I know that it is already after Christmas, but I did not have a quiet moment to show you my button tree. So here it is:

All the best for all of you for the 2009!
Be happy, be creative, love and be loved!
Joanna (Cwasia)

Be happy, be creative, love and be loved!
Joanna (Cwasia)
I just took apart a button tree that I did a couple years back but never liked. I've come to the conclusion that they look best with just one color of button all over. Mine was pink and aqua and it just looked like a big ol' mess! Monochromatic is best.
Neabear - thank you :*
A tutorial? Hmmm... it's quite simple: I used green florist's foam, then white cotton ribbon to cover the green, and then pins and beads to attach the buttons, starting from the bigger ones, then smaller and smaller....and that's it :)
Knitty - :*
I had a ot of white buttons, and I wanted White Christmas, so white was the colour of my choice :). Other colours would look great also, but I didn't have enough buttons.
The Queen of Fifty Cents - :*
Thank you very much!
Heidi - :* Thank you very much!
Could you show us a picture of your tree? I am very curious how it looked like in pink and aqua.
Barbara H. - :* Thank you very much! The buttons are only pinned on.
Jenclair - :* Thank you very much!
Misselaineous - :* Thank you very much!
Don't wait till next Christmas, do you tree now and show us!
Have a happy week! ~Smiles~Tam!
Aloha Lorie
Marilee - thank you :*
So glad to hear I inspired you! Create and show us the results :)
Xashee's corner - thank you :*
Cate - thank you :*
Marmee - glad to hear that :*
Urban Farmhouse - thanks :*
I must say I'm quite proud of my tree :)
Joyfulsister - thank you :*
Blog was created by Abbie, I'm only one of the contributors.
Phyllis - thank you very much :* I'm quite proud of this tree, and I think it will stay on my shelf for some time :). Try to make your own, it is fun! And as the florist's foam is quite soft I'm OK :)
Colleen - thank you very much :*
Lorhen82 - thank you on behalf of Abbie as creator of this blog and on behalf of all contributing Button Floozies!
Seams to Sew and Quilt - thank you on behalf of Abbie and all Button Floozeies :*
Indigo Blue - thank you :*
Eleanor - thank you :*
Margie :)
Recently I found this wonderful site. I am a Button lover, do many things with buttons, my scottie is named Button. I would Love to become a Button Floozie!!!!!
Thank you,
Peggy aka ButtonQueen