Estate sale buttons

Oh, to happen upon an estate sale and find a shoebox full of buttons on cards! It's the perfect little sorting project to take home on a snowy day! I love the older cards, with their prices in the 20 cent range! Cheerful and colorful -- and even a "paperweight" rose button, antique black glass, and Jemima Puddle Duck! That fabulous tobacco card with a common button sewn onto it -- I don't know what I love more, the card or the button! And oodles of black pearl buttons by Schwanda! This person knew a thing or two about buttons and collecting, as well -- they were expensive, but marked down, so bought four of the fifty or so cards she had in plastic bags. I had to be choosy. Here, black glass with silver paint, black glass with fired on enamel, collar buttons with "rhinestones" and pearl, and that tiny green glass composite button at the bottom. It makes for some fun time spent sorting -- but only if you love buttons like I do!